Wishless is a magical journey between realms that follows Max, the last of the fairy godmothers. There is a lot riding on Max’s shoulders, and she is tasked with not only rescuing her friends but also saving her grandfather’s academy and her realm as a whole. Not a small feat for a twelve-year-old fairy!
Sibylla Nash does a good job of starting and staying within scene; there is no point in the book where I felt like I was getting overly-long explanations or summaries, which is fantastic. The plot moves at a steady pace, then really launches forward toward the last quarter or so of the book – once you get there, you won’t want to put it down.
While I don’t personally find this a con, some readers may wish to wait until the second and third books have been published before reading; not everything is tied up neatly in this first book – which I appreciate! – and it does end on a cliffhanger that will make you want to reach for the next in the series right away. Folks who like to devour a series all at once will likely find that this is a prime case in which to do so.
Overall, this is a good read for fans of fantasy that like seeing a little of our own world thrown in for good measure. The plot really amps up toward the end, and the book concludes on a cliffhanger, but if you’re willing to wait for the sequel, it’s worth a read.
Thank you to the author and LibraryThing Early Reviewers for providing a copy in exchange for an honest review.